1911 A1 Frame 4140 Completely machined
1911 Frame A1 70 Series 4140 Completely Machined and Serial Numbered
Our 1911 frame is destined to become the industry standard to which all other factory or custom built 1911’s will be compared. This 5” Government Model is the best single stack duty, defense or competition pistol you’ll find in America. Our 1911 frame offers the best quality, the best value and the best performance.
Must be shipped to an FFL. Please add FFL info by clicking on the “CONTACT” button at the bottom of the page. Or send email to “sales@amidefense.com. We must receive your local FFL information so we know where to send your frame.
We offer them in both 17-4 Stainless Steel and 4140 Steel.
Has to ship to FFL.
57 in stock